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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I've been feeling a tinge of guilt as of late. I am organizing and rethinking my home sewing/work space. I have acumulated a good bit of fabric over the past 4+ years of "serious" sewing and fabric buying for the shoppe. As I sat folding and refolding pieces (devising a new method of same size, folded fabric storage) I told my hubby I might try and let go of some of it.. I simply couldn't see myself sewing it all up, at least not this summer... I expected his response to be something like 'yeah, you do have a lot' or or perhaps a trite 'hmm' but instead he said "Why?" and proceeded to convince me that I "really don't have that much" and "it doesn't take up that much space".... !!!!!!

My ears rang with glee!! How wonderful is he?

[here's what I've folded so far]
[and here is a peek inside my cupboard.. some of what I have yet to fold]
[ok.. I'll open both doors.. but don't let me mislead you.. there is MUCH more than this stashed in verious other places, pilled on the floor and boxed away in the attic.. I hope to show you some much tidier photos after I've unpacked and sorted it all]

Little does he know how dangerous his encouraging words might prove to be ;)

[In fact I'm buying these just to celebrate!]

Oh and also recently and along the same lines of lessening stash guilt I saw some amazingly, unbelievable stash photos on Amy Butler's facebook page! She linked to a whole stash Flickr group!!!

This one had my jaw dropping!

I feel guilty NO LONGER!!!


  1. I saw some of those stash pics too! I instantly felt better about my little stash... and may have gotten just a few more fat quarters too just because. :)

  2. Wow, that is some stash! You should feel much better ;)

  3. Oh my goodness! if i were her i would probably just sit there petting it all day and not get any work done! You might not want to clean out all your fabric hidey holes in front of your hubby >.> he'll never know!

  4. OMG!!!!! I just had a quick look at the Flickr site - unbelievable! How lucky are some of those girls to have basements and attics to store their stash...My friends think I'm lucky because not having any kids, I have two rooms to keep my stuff in. One room is full of vintage embroidered linens, and the other is my craft room, but I only have about three shelves full of fabric - not three walls of shelves, lol! Still, I'm happy with my lot ;-)

  5. There is NEVER to much fabric but sometimes it is nice to purge and pay it forward by offering to chairty work. I just did a blog on my sewing area...check it out on

  6. Hi
    Great piece of work, I wanted to thank you for your time period for this fantastic read!! Thanks for this great stuff!

  7. too funny! that last photo makes me a little ill inside, i think. but also, like you, a tinge of relief as I have NOWHERE NEAR that much. Also love that your hubby thinks you don't have that much!
