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Monday, July 23, 2012

Looking Foxy

...a longer and bit more gushy "Made Monday"

This handsome man is Nigel and Nigel is even kinder and more gracious and talented than he is good looking which makes him even more so the latter..  I wish I got to see more of him (though I'll probably blush when I see him next) but I am not usually in when he does his shopping so Janelle took and texted this photo to me knowing how much I'd love his fox shirt! Nigel is 18 19 or 20? now and has been shopping with us for sometime. Both he and his lovely younger sister Dempsey have always seamed so mature for their age and they are a delight to have in the shoppe. Nigel makes mens shirts, bow-ties and ascots and I adore his classic sense of style! It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he were to become famous.. he and Dempsey both have everything that it takes. We all adore them.

Finally if you were wondering what pattern he used Nigel creates his own shirt patterns. In fact last summer he did a project were he made "one shirt every week"! Incredible right?   The fabric for this one is one of my very favorites he's used, the Foxlets in Cloud Grey by Aneela Hoey. You can find them here, plus we also have them in icing which I love. It's so unexpected, quirky, fun and hip and now that Nigel's made up this shirt I am imagining all kinds of women's wear for the white colorway.. a blouse, a full skirt, a little high waisted dress..

Happy Monday day dreams foxy friends!
♥ April

PS- Nigel if you read this.. forgive me, I couldn't help myself. I just think you are great. However I am married. And my husband does know how great I think you are (though I left out the part about good looking.. ) Plus I'm too old for you.


  1. What a great shirt and a great story. I am very impressed by Nigel. Thanks for sharing this story!
