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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Emily wraps it up and takes us out

Emily's blog, The Boy Trifecta, is the final stop on our Wrap-Along blog hop. Today she's posted her projects made from the brilliant book...Ruby Star Wrapping!

Emily crafted the Take-Out Box and The Gift Card Truck Softie... 2 seriously cute packages anyone would be ecstatic to receive! Check it all out here:

Now comment away 'cuz TOMORROW IS GIVEAWAY DAY!!!

You can comment on one or all of  the daily posts. Please comment once per post and please be sure to include your email address or change your settings so you are NOT a No-Reply Blogger. We will randomly choose the post and comment # to get our winner!


  1. Man, I am ALSO intrigued by this take out box situation!

  2. Such an appropriate fabric choice!

  3. SOOO cute! Love the fabric & ribbon!!

  4. Wowee that is delicious, I'd be happy to receive just the box empty!

  5. That is an awesome box! But I love the truck giftcard pillow. Super cute.

  6. I love seeing lace used as ribbon! And what a pretty colour this one is!!

  7. That gift card pillow is a great idea! And the take-out box is so cute.

  8. really enjoyed this peek into the book!

  9. That is so awesome. I wish I had time to make a bunch.

  10. Nice and cute.Perfect for Christmas.

  11. i love all the awesome ideas in this book

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