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Sunday, December 2, 2012

My wrappings.

Today I posted over on my personal blog...
I adore both Melody and this book so much that I had to join in! I made three gift boxes and added my own scrappy little felt project... A Happy Geese Garland.

See how I made it and check out the full post here:

Continue to comment for the chance to win another copy of Ruby Star Wrapping plus a bundle of trims and such to help with your own packaging. We'll post the photo of those tomorrow, but trust me, you want them.

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Left on the tour:

Tomorrow, Dec. 3rd - we'll post some of our projects here on the Sew To Speak blog plus show you what's up fpr the second win!!

Tues. Dec. 4th - Rae of Made by Rae

Wed. Dec 5 - Ericka of Low Beam Studios 

Thurs. Dec. 6 - Emily of The Boy Trifecta

then finally, on Friday  Dec. 7 - the final winner will be announced @12 EST!!


  1. so cute! i'm having fun checking out these wrapping projects :)

  2. washi tape makes anybox so festive!

  3. I have to say, I'd always resisted reuseable wrapping in that past, thinking it was basically cloth sacks. I am intrigued by these boxes and would love to learn more!

  4. Nothin wispy washi bout this wrap!

  5. I need to raid my pantry today for boxes to decorate. These turned out so cute!

  6. All the pretty projects make me want to finish all my Christmas shopping and sewing so I can get wrapping!

  7. I have been wanting for years to start wrapping in things other than disposable wrapping paper - have even bought holiday fabric after the holidays when on sale. This book is just what I need to get started! Fingers and toes crossed.

  8. I really like the flying geese garland. In fact, I'm making one right now!

  9. I love the letter A on the side and the ball trim.

  10. the tape and pom poms are so cute

  11. I always seem to buy really odd shaped gifts ... learning how to make my own boxes would be fun! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  12. I love this book and all the wonderful ideas and details!

  13. This is gorgeous, must check out the recycling bin and see if I can retrieve any boxes from there!

  14. Love your A Happy Geese Garland, and thanks for the chance to win :)

  15. What fun! My kids would play with the box for hours before even thinking to look inside!

  16. Those boxes look great. I love the use of the pom-pom trim.

  17. I love the washi tape and pompoms and bunting!

  18. Oh the washi tape adds the perfect touch! Love it!

  19. this is too adorable! love it.

  20. I love the colourful washi tapes!:D

  21. I miss having access to my mom's old trims box. One of my favorite things I ever made was a sleeping bag for my barbie, made just so I could put on stripes of all my favorite trims.

  22. I love the use of washi tape to personalize the package!

  23. I almost just want the boxes for gifts!
