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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thanks Everyone for making this anniversary our very best!

It was a wonderful, wonderful day!

Full of

giant balloons,

happy, crafty shoppers...

TONS of fabric,


cookies...  and friends.

We are so blessed to have such an amazing crew of kind, creative people and a community that embraces and supports us! 
Thank you for 5 great years!!

oh.. and one last photo.. from our friend Katie Lewis at The Red Kitchen

I just loved the shadow of our flags on the big balloon... so I asked her if I could share it ;)


  1. wish i could have made it! happy anniversary :)

  2. Sorry to have missed your anniversary. I'm overdue for a visit & planning to visit very soon. You know I just love the place!

  3. Your shop was decorated so sweet! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  4. such a pretty display - your shop always looks amazing! Congrats on year 5! Cheers to many more!

  5. Such a happy, fun party! I'm so grateful for you ladies and your wonderful shop!
