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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


As "Sewing Sheriff," I declare... All celebrations need fabric!

I have made many buntings in my day, some glued, some sewn and some tied. All are good. This is one of my favorites. I made this birthday banner/bunting for the shoppe's first birthday. I have used it countless times since and it is currently hanging in my dining room (notice no curtains yet in my house... still waiting for that Robert Kaufman white linen).
It is actually two banners tied together. I could have trimmed the hanging rick rack but I wanted to be able to hang them separately when needed. The word "happy" could be hung indefinitely (who doesn't need a reminder).

This project was a leap for me. In the past I have always used templates for letters. I wanted to break out of my comfort zone and do letters free hand. Hey, I am not an artist... It was huge for me but I love the way they turned out. I drew these by looking at "Georgia" font and going for it. 

This was my inspiration fabric.

I only used my inspiration fabric on the back of one of my blocks and it is actually sewn wrong side out. I decided not to rip even though my perfectionism was stirring big time.

It's an easy sew... two pieces about 7x9 sewn together right sides together and turned. The blocks are irregular sizes and I think that adds to the look... fun and homemade. I sewed two sides and the bottom leaving the top open for turning. I folded the top down about a half inch and sewed the blocks and rick rack in one step. The hand drawn letters were penciled on "Wonder Under" and ironed on. We also like "Steam a Seam" for this kind of project.

Make one for someone or for yourself no matter your age... I am 52 today!

Hope to sew you soon!

ps... don't come looking for any of the fabrics I used on this banner. It is over 4 years old. We have some even better ones now!! 


  1. Happy Birthday Anita! Cute banner - even if the fabric is 'out of date'. Might be in this weekend to see what's new.

  2. Your banner was so adorable (and sweet and cute), and I love the freestyle letters. You got your home into shape so quickly! I love your fabric choices and vintage and antique elements. Happy Birthday :)

  3. I love this banner! the fabric selections are perfect and I love the letter style! Be blessed! Susan

  4. great idea - my daughter just bought one of these off etsy. I'm sure I can make a better one though...
