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Monday, November 26, 2012

A Ruby Star Wrap-Along with Sew To Speak!

For the first winner: all this plus a few other surprises.. ;)

Have you seen or read the book Ruby Star Wrapping by Melody Miller and Allison Tannery?
Melody graciously gifted me a copy at Quilt Market and I really love it!
I had already been thinking about changing my holiday routines this year and committed to buying all my gifts from locally owned and independent stores (if not hand-making them myself) but now I will definitely be wrapping them in reusable materials!!!

While the book's true contents are beautiful and inspiring suggestions for thoughtful giving, I found one statistic within it's covers that solidified my resolve;
"According to the Sierra Club, if every American family wrapped just three gifts this year in something that could be reused, we would save enough paper to fill 45,000 football fields."

It's such a wonderful concept and a much needed movement, so I've asked some great bloggers to join us here at Sew to Speak and do a little Wrap-Along!! We'll be linking to one post per day over the next 2 weeks, with 2 GIVEAWAYS in-between. Follow along with us and comment on one or all of the posts for chances to win a copy of the book plus a bundle of fabric, trims & other goodies to help with your own wrapping!!!

Here's the line up:

Tues. Nov. 27 - Mary Dugan of Molly Flanders

Wed. Nov. 28 - Meg McElwee of Sew Liberated

Thursday, Nov. 29 - Kara of Me and Elna

Fri. Nov. 30 - We will announce the first winner here... sometime in the morning..

Sat, Dec. 1st - Amanda of Sasikirana Handmade 

Sunday Dec. 2nd - I (April Rhodes) will post on my personal blog

Monday Dec. 3rd - we'll post some of our projects here on the Sew To Speak blog

Tues. Dec. 4th - Made by Rae

Wed. Dec 5 - Ericka of Low Beam Studios 

Thurs. Dec. 6 - Emily of The Boy Trifecta

then finally, on Friday  Dec. 7 - another winner will be announced @12 EST!!

Will you join us?

For the chance to win leave a comment, here on the Sew To Speak blog. You can comment on one or all of the daily posts. Please comment once per post and please be sure to include your email address or change your settings so you are NOT a No-Reply Blogger. We will randomly choose the post and comment # to get our winner! 

For the first win, this Friday, the randomly drawn winner will receive a copy of Ruby Star Wrapping, 1/2 yard of some of Melody's beautiful fabric, 1 yard of pom-poms, 1 yard of an awesome wide vintage style ribbon, 1 yard of Anna Maria Horner chevron ribbon, 1 yard of ric-rac plus a few other surprise bits to sweeten the pot ;) 

It's true that another group is also wrapping along with the book at Sukie don't you know... I did know this going in :) But after I ran the idea by Miss Melody, she told me not to be discouraged. Our's takes a bit of a different spin.. a little smaller scale, but still lots of fun. Plus I should mention that this is actually our very first blog-along of any kind!
Finally there are just sooo many ideas and ways to rework the projects in this book so be sure to follow them, follow us and most importantly...
wrap your gifts with love and care! 



  1. I Try to wrap my gifts creatively. I really love making my own reusable felt bows!

  2. I try to recycle lots of wrapping! But fabric bags are a great idea!

  3. Fun. Something pretty that can be used again and again? I like it.

  4. ooh so fun! i love wrapping gifts creatively :)

  5. count me in! I am also doing an all local/handmade holiday and wrapping is my favorite part!

  6. I can't wait to follow along- you've got an all star line up!

  7. Beautiful book filled with wonderful ideas! Thanks for the giveaway, and I'm looking forward to checking out all the stops in the blog hop!

  8. love Mary's felt envelopes and love the book. Such great ideas to recycle and reduce what we throw out.
    lovinthesunnow at yahoo dot com

  9. Ooh love pretty wrapping and my fav designer too xx

  10. I love beautiful wrapping!

  11. So many awesome projects! Wonderful inspiration!

  12. So exciting! I love melody Miller's fabric! I can only imagine how great this book is!

  13. I love the concept of this book and would love to win it. Thanks for the chance!

  14. What a lovely giveaway! The book looks wonderful. Thanks so much for the chance!

  15. I hav been meaning to shift to fabric re-usable wrapping for a few years (ever since I bought what I said would be my last roll of wrapping paper). Sounds like a great book!

  16. these beautiful wrappings sure beat using old newspaper!!

  17. I love using reusable wrapping ideas - partly because I suck with wrapping paper. :)

  18. This book looks great! I'm going to try to do some fabric gift wraps this Christmas! Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. I love the ideas and concept, but need to get into the practice!

  20. My 3&1/2 year old makes all our wrapping paper using stamps, stickers, markers, etc. I give him a piece of brown paper cut to size and he goes to town!

  21. I love the idea of the wrapping being part of the gift! I started doing this a few years ago, but I'd love to get some new ideas... This looks like a fun book, can't wait to read it {hopefully soon:-)}

    Rachel~ At the Butterfly Ball
    atthebutterflyball (at) gmail (dot) com

  22. I can't wait to get my hands on this book.

  23. Oh my look at those lovelies that could be won. Looking forward to seeing all the creations. Thanks for the chance to win.

  24. What a great idea for a book. I like the idea of wrapping in something that you can re-use later. Also a nice way to get rid of some larger scraps.

  25. This book looks incredible. Thanks for the chance! xo

  26. Looks like an absolutely delightful read - lots of inspiration! thank you for the chance

  27. Fun! Several years ago, armed with excess Christmas fabrics, I stitched a huge stack of various sized bags for gift giving. It has simplified wrapping presents -and I feel so good knowing that we're not filling our recycle bin with needless paper!

  28. I reuse wrapping, but rarely use fabric. I like these ideas!

  29. I'd love a copy of this book! I'm totally a horder, I mean an upcycle/reuser. ;)

  30. Beautiful book, great opportunity, thanks!

  31. I really need this book really badly. I just love wrapping beautifully to see happy faces!

  32. I've seen this idea, but wasn't sure how to put it into practice. This book would be great! Thanks for the chance to win.

  33. Great ideas, would love to see more in the book!

  34. We always use brown bags but would love to spice them up!!

  35. Not only do I make many of my own gifts, I love creating another crafting opportunity by making fun wrapping materials...taking the boring brown packing paper from packages and allowing the kids to fingerpaint or stamp it makes fun wrapping paper and a great "extra" treat for the grandparents.

  36. I often wrap presents in fabric from my stash. My husband does this too. It's always fun to see what he pulls out. Less fun putting it all back...

  37. We always use brown bags but would love to spice them up!!

  38. I will have to try some of these ideas this Chrismtas! Love to see what else there is in the book.

  39. I have been trying to incorporate many of these ideas in my wrapping this year. I'd love to get the book to see the other ideas!

  40. I love to use my children's drawings and paintings! They are colorful and gorgeous!

  41. oh, and my e-mail address is:

  42. Great ideas!

  43. Wow, what a beautiful book, I'm feeling inspired already!

  44. I'd love to share this book with the teachers at my school!

  45. Oh, I've so wants this book! It looks amazing!

  46. interesting way to do a blog tour giveaway!

  47. What a treasure awaits someone!

  48. Followed a link from Made By Rae and am so excited to see the lovely options this book offers! Feeling inspired to create some lovely gift wrapping options!

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