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Friday, February 1, 2013

What are you working on?


A bunch of fabric... for various projects... just lying there... looking delicious all together...mmmm.

What are you working on this chilly winter weekend?


  1. A diaper/toy bag and a a baby quilt. Chili is in the crockpot....ready to roll!

  2. Reusable "ziplocks", baby bibs, embroidery, and knitting. I have crafting ADHD. :P

  3. What an awesome color combo you have going on there! You can't go wrong with critters and color :) I'm working on gearing up for a 1940's themed sewing challenge, and I have a 50's style party dress in my sewing queue. I also just finished a knitting project. I'm always making something!

  4. Beautiful fabrics!

    And I never got to say thanks for letting me participate in your fox softie contest and for sending goodies!
